Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Sweet revenge as Nancy dupes Faria Alam into whoring

The maxim 'she who laughs last laughs the loudest' has just came true for Nancy Dell'Ollio, belittled live-in lover of ex-England football coach Sven Goran Eriksson.

Her brainwave revenge of fitting up an office slapper called Faria Alam for her 2004 kiss-and-tell seduction of Sven has resulted in the old slag getting caught with charging £4,000 per hour for kinky sex with a UK tabloid reporter who then videoed the session and posted it on YouTube.

Alam has vehemently denied the allegation but then her Sven frolics may have cost her some credibility as they were not confined to just the England coach but to the chairman of the Football Association Mark Palios, the entire England reserve team as well as the Under 21 side of flegeling Rooneys, Beckhams and Owens.

The Daily Fascist reporter who participated in this weekend's Faria scam is unrepentant: "She was a good screw and it wasn't my money. Whether it was worth four grand an hour is debateable. But that's the going rate charged by all the A-List hookers: Kate Middleton, Chelsy Davey, Euan Blair. And one or two others I can't name because of the professional ethics code."

Nancy Dell'Ollio was saying nothing today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She is one of the proudy lady for our country.