Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Faria Alam an £8,000 a Night Hooker

Sven Goran Eriksson love interest, Faria Alam, is an £8,000 a night hooker according to the News of the World.

The London tabloid claimed the 40-year-old Asian beauty — recently seen by millions moralising about the Celebrity Big Brother race row on TV — stripped to her bra and knickers and offered their undercover reporter sex for cash on Friday night.

"I am pretty good at what I do," she promised as she greedily watched wads of £20 notes being counted out for her in a luxury apartment in London's Mayfair.

The busty Bangladeshi had demanded so much money she had difficulty stuffing it all into her cream designer handbag.

She then spread herself across the bed and offered our man a range of the kind of sordid "party tricks" she had played on her most famous conquest, former England boss Sven Goran Eriksson.

She also boasted of a wild cocaine-fuelled lesbian sex session she'd had as she desperately tried to seal the deal.

The News of the World claimed that she believed their undercover reporter to be a fixer who arranged prostitutes for wealthy businessmen in London.

"They agreed to meet in a busy restaurant. As Faria ate curry at the Bombay Brasserie in south Kensington, the sultry former PA chatted about her famous friends.

"Faria bragged about her close friendship with Miss Great Britain organiser Robert De Keyser. She worked for the millionaire as an office assistant and chaperone to models.

"Soon she unashamedly went into her sleazy sales patter. She bragged about her "party trick" — a sex act she famously carried our on seedy Swede Sven that she practises performing with an eight-inch candle."

"My candle swallowing! I have saved marriages teaching girls how to do that," she squealed with delight.

"A family friend's husband was getting bored and his eyes were roving. She said, ‘I don't know how to please him. So I told her what to do. He was in love with her ever since."

Faria then joked about how she should release a DVD tutorial on how to do it properly.

"Can you imagine? — Faria's Five Points On How To Give The Perfect B*** J**," she laughed.

Sven-Goran Eriksson's gf Faria Alam caught as a hooker!

London, Feb 5 (ANI): Faria Alam, who once hit the headlines for her affair with former England football boss Sven-Goran Eriksson, was caught negotiating as a hooker with a decoy customer, an undercover reporter posing as a rich businessman's fixer.

She reportedly agreed at an exorbitant 8000 pounds for three hours of kinky sex, before saying that all women secretly want to be hookers.

According to The Sun, after being exposed as a high-class call girl, a devastated Faria went into hiding yesterday, saying what her parents would say about her.

The paper quoted her pals as saying that she was inconsolable. "Faria's spent years trying to build up a media profile - now all that has gone in one fell swoop. She's absolutely terrified at what her family are going to say," the paper quoted one of her friends as saying.

Another pal added: "There's no reason why Faria would have to do this. She's been getting plenty of TV and radio work and earns enough to keep her in a pretty good
style." (ANI)

Prostitution: the newest profession

Business is good for career prostitutes charging thousands of pounds, says john gibb

Prostitution in Britain is booming. Not among the street girls paying for their drugs habit, nor the desolate young women working in massage parlours to pay off the men who trafficked them.

Instead, I am talking about the thousands of young women who have chosen prostitution because they want independence and financial security and - not in all cases - because they enjoy the work.

If, as was claimed in the News of the World on Sunday, Faria Alam is now working as a prostitute, then she would be typical in many respects of the girls attracted to the work: she apparently made it clear that she wanted to earn good money and was happy to have sex with strangers.

What is atypical is that the former secretary at the FA, famous for her affair with Sven Goran Eriksson, was capitalising on her notoriety; also, at the age of 40, many girls would have made enough money to be able to retire.

Two key factors have led to a huge rise in this kind of prostitution - the influx of girls from Poland and other eastern European countries which acceeded to the EU in 2000, and the increasing use of the internet to advertise their services.

Katarzyna arrived in London in 2001 on a student visa to learn English. She was 22 and fluent in Russian and German, with a degree in world literature from Wroclaw University in Poland.

Within a year, she was studying beauty at the London College of Fashion and working at a bar in the evenings. She earned very little. "My Polish friends were sleeping with men for money so I did it too."

It wasn't hard to get started. She signed up with Aprov, one of dozens of London-based agencies promoting prostitutes. It's a management company with around 30 girls on the books; all attractive young eastern Europeans.

"They find you a flat, take photographs and advertise you on the website," Katarzyna told The First Post. "They won't take you on unless you're legally in the country and over 18. The clients are checked in and out of the girls' flats on mobiles and the rates are up to £350 an hour.

"You can take me to dinner and I'll spend the night with you for £1,200. I enjoy it. Mostly men just want sex and some company; no relationships, no complications, no risk. It's all cash. Get it right and there's no shortage of men happy to pay."

Katarzyna worked as a prostitute for two-and-a-half years and bought a house in Surrey on the proceeds. She gets a good rent from the property, and when she needs a little extra, she'll go back on the web. She sees sex for money as a career move.

Students, nurses and women from a wide variety of backgrounds frustrated by the cost of living are on the game all over the UK. Barbara, reading classics at Oxford, works in the evening from a flat in Abingdon.

"I don't want to leave university owing money to the Government," she told me, "and I'm not prepared to be exploited by some tightwad employer. I want independence and I want it now." She added: "There are dozens of NHS workers selling sex in Oxford. Anyone forced to survive on the pittance paid to student nurses will have considered it."

Agencies like Aprov and Oriental Gems represent the new face of prostitution in Britain. The police leave them alone unless there is a hint of trafficking or violence. Men with cash to spend can enjoy sex - with no strings attached - with a seemingly endless stream of attractive women.

A Vice Unit officer told me: "If a girl makes the choice without duress and is not exploited, the police are happy. The taboos have gone. It's become a career. They're even advertising in the back of the Spectator, for God's sake!"

Faria Alam has apparently gone into hiding after being caught by the News of the World sting operation. Prostitution may be a good career move, but it's still not one you can boast about to your family.

Sweet revenge as Nancy dupes Faria Alam into whoring

The maxim 'she who laughs last laughs the loudest' has just came true for Nancy Dell'Ollio, belittled live-in lover of ex-England football coach Sven Goran Eriksson.

Her brainwave revenge of fitting up an office slapper called Faria Alam for her 2004 kiss-and-tell seduction of Sven has resulted in the old slag getting caught with charging £4,000 per hour for kinky sex with a UK tabloid reporter who then videoed the session and posted it on YouTube.

Alam has vehemently denied the allegation but then her Sven frolics may have cost her some credibility as they were not confined to just the England coach but to the chairman of the Football Association Mark Palios, the entire England reserve team as well as the Under 21 side of flegeling Rooneys, Beckhams and Owens.

The Daily Fascist reporter who participated in this weekend's Faria scam is unrepentant: "She was a good screw and it wasn't my money. Whether it was worth four grand an hour is debateable. But that's the going rate charged by all the A-List hookers: Kate Middleton, Chelsy Davey, Euan Blair. And one or two others I can't name because of the professional ethics code."

Nancy Dell'Ollio was saying nothing today.

About Faria Alam

Faria Alam, (born 3 September 1966 in Bangladesh, then East Pakistan) was a Football Association secretary who had an affair with former England national football team manager Sven-Göran Eriksson and FA chief executive Mark Palios, leading to Palios's resignation. She stated on Celebrity Big Brother that she is of Bengali and Pakistani descent with some Persian blood.Some of ancestors were sufi missionaries from Persia.

Alam studied computer science at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Celebrity Big Brother 2006
In January 2006, Alam appeared on Celebrity Big Brother in the UK. During her time on Big Brother she was perceived to have flirted with former NBA star Dennis Rodman. On 17 January 2006, while up for the public vote, she commented that the British public would "never let a black or Asian win" the show on the basis that the British establishment and/or media would not permit it. On 18 January 2006, she became the second housemate to be evicted. Ironically, the winner of the following series of Celebrity Big Brother was Shilpa Shetty, an Indian film star, with the runner up being Jermaine Jackson of the jackson 5 who is african american and muslim . (See Celebrity Big Brother 2007 (UK) for more information)

More scandal
On 4 February 2007 she was exposed as a high class prostitute who charged £8,000 a night by a tabloid newspaper.

সেক্সকুইন ফারিয়ার নতুন কীর্তি!

বোমা ফাটানো খবর বেড়িয়েছে জনপ্রিয় ব্রিটিশ পত্রিকা ‘দ্য সান’·এ তাদের রোববারের সংস্করণে ছাপা হয়েছে ফারিয়া আলমের ছবি ব্রিটিশ ফুটবল এসোসিয়েশনের সাবেক এ সচিব এবার ধরা পড়েছেন হাতেনাতে ছদ্মবেশী সাংবাদিকের সামনে নিজের গোপন চরিত্রটা ফাঁস করে দিয়েছেন বাঙালি মেয়ে ফারিয়া এককালে ব্রিটিশ ফুটবলের শীর্ষ কর্তাদের যৌনসঙ্গী ফারিয়া এবার রাতের আঁধারে নেমেছেন দেহ ব্যবসায় শুধুমাত্র ধনাঢ্য ‘খদ্দের’ পেলেই বিছানায় যাচ্ছেন তিনি বনেদি দেহপসারিনী হয়ে ওঠা ফারিয়ার ঘণ্টা প্রতি দরটাও বেশ চড়া পকেটওয়ালা খদ্দেরদের সুখ দিতে প্রতি ঘণ্টায় ফারিয়া নিচ্ছেন ৩ হাজার পাউন্ড ‘দ্য সান’·এর ছদ্মবেশী দু’সাংবাদিক ফারিয়ার ওই অন্ধকারের চেহারাটাই তুলে এনেছেন বিশ্বের আলোয়

আত্নপরিচয় গোপন করে ফারিয়ার সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করেছিলেন দু’সাংবাদিক সঙ্গত কারণেই তাদের নাম উল্লেখ করা গেল না প্রথমজন নিয়েছিলেন মধ্যস্থতাকারীর ভূমিকা, দ্বিতীয়জন সেজেছিলেন ফারিয়ার খদ্দের মধ্যস্থতাকারীর সঙ্গে গত বুধবার (৩১ জানুয়ারি) লন্ডনের এক রেস্তোরাঁয় প্রথম কথা হয়েছিল ফারিয়ার মূলত ফারিয়ার ভাবমূর্তিকে জনসমক্ষে উন্নত করাই লক্ষ্য ছিল ওই সাংবাদিকের প্রাথমিকভাবে পুরনো খ্যাতিমান বন্ধুদের (এরিকসন, প্যালিয়স প্রমুখ) গল্প করেছিলেন ফারিয়া কথার এক ফাঁকে নিজেরই জালে ধরা দিয়েছেন তিনি রেস্তোরাঁয় বসেই যৌনতায় তার পারদর্শিতা সম্পর্কে কথা বলেছিলেন চল্লিশে পা দেওয়া বাঙালি ফারিয়ার ভাষায়, ‘বিভিন্ন ভঙ্গিতে দেহমিলনে আমার জুরি নেই আমার কাছে যৌনতা একটি শিল্প আর এ কথা হলফ করেই বলতে পারি, আমার সঙ্গে সময় কাটিয়ে কোনও পুরুষের অতৃপ্তি থাকবে না’ এ কথার ভিত্তিতেই পরের শুক্রবার (২ ফেব্রুয়ারি) এক ধনাঢ্য খদ্দেরের (দ্বিতীয় সাংবাদিক) হয়ে ফারিয়াকে প্রস্তাব দিয়েছিলেন মধ্যস্থতাকারী সাংবাদিক ওই প্রস্তাবের প্রেক্ষিতে শুরুতে ৩ ঘণ্টার জন্য ৯ হাজার পাউন্ড চাইলেও শেষ পর্যন্ত ৮ হাজার পাউন্ডে রাজি হয়েছেন ফারিয়া

পরের শুক্রবার (২ ফেব্রুয়ারি) কথামতো লন্ডনের বিখ্যাত হোটেলপাড়া ‘মে ফেয়ার’·এর বনেদি হোটেল ‘র‌্যাডিসন এডওয়ার্ডিয়ান’·এ হাজির হয়েছিলেন ফারিয়া শুরুতেই মধ্যস্থতাকারীর কাছ থেকে নগদ ৮ হাজার পাউন্ড বুঝে নিয়েছিলেন তিনি এ ঘটনার পরের অংশ সভ্য সমাজে লিখে প্রকাশের নয় ছদ্মবেশী খদ্দের সাংবাদিককে ৩ ঘণ্টা ধরে ফারিয়া দেখিয়েছেন যৌনতার হরেক রং কীভাবে একজন নারী তার দেহের অনতিক্রম্য আবেদন কাজে লাগিয়ে পুরুষ বশ করতে পারেন ·ওই বিদ্যার বাস্তব উদাহরণ দিয়েছেন ব্রিটিশ ফুটবল কোচের সাবেক সহকারী

প্রযুক্তির এ যুগে গোপন ভিডিও ক্যামেরায় ওইসব ছবি ধারণ করেছেন ছদ্মবেশী সাংবাদিক গত রোববার ফারিয়ার ওইসব কীর্তিকলাপ নিয়েই বিশেষ সংখ্যা বেড়িয়েছে ‘দ্য সান’·এ নারীত্বের পরোয়া না করা ফারিয়া যে কতটা উচ্ছন্নে যেতে পারেন ·তা আরেকবার দেখেছে বিশ্ব এ ঘটনার পর ফারিয়াকে ‘বাঙালি’ বলে সম্বোধন করাটাও হয়তো লজ্জাজনক হবে যে কোনও বাঙালির জন্য

- নিউজ অব দ্য ওয়ার্ল্ড

FA SEX scandal secretary Faria Alam is a secret £8,000-a-night hooker, a News of the World investigation can reveal.

The 40-year-old Asian beauty — recently seen by millions moralising about the Celebrity Big Brother race row on TV — stripped to her bra and knickers and offered our undercover reporter sex for cash on Friday night.

"I am pretty good at what I do," she promised as she greedily watched wads of £20 notes being counted out for her in a luxury apartment in London's Mayfair.

The busty Bangladeshi had demanded so much money she had difficulty stuffing it all into her cream designer handbag.

She then spread herself across the bed and offered our man a range of the kind of sordid "party tricks" she had played on her most famous conquest, former England boss Sven Goran Eriksson.

She also boasted of a wild cocaine-fuelled lesbian sex session she'd had as she desperately tried to seal the deal.

In public, the woman who hit the headlines three years ago when we revealed how she had slept with both Eriksson and FA boss Mark Palios likes to make out that she's a changed, respectable celebrity.

But in private she's gone on a different game to football — using her infamy to make as much cash as possible.

Fresh from her stints on TV and radio holding forth about Jade Goody's allegedly racist attacks on CBB winner Shilpa Shetty, Faria was on the lookout for a different kind of business.

But she made the mistake of contacting a News of the World undercover man she believed to be a fixer who arranged prostitutes for wealthy businessmen in London.

They agreed to meet in a busy restaurant. As Faria ate curry at the Bombay Brasserie in south Kensington, the sultry former PA chatted about her famous friends.

Faria bragged about her close friendship with Miss Great Britain organiser Robert De Keyser. She worked for the millionaire as an office assistant and chaperone to models.

Soon she unashamedly went into her sleazy sales patter. She bragged about her "party trick" — a sex act she famously carried our on seedy Swede Sven that she practises performing with an eight-inch candle.

"My candle swallowing! I have saved marriages teaching girls how to do that," she squealed with delight.

"A family friend's husband was getting bored and his eyes were roving. She said, ‘I don't know how to please him. So I told her what to do. He was in love with her ever since."

Faria then joked about how she should release a DVD tutorial on how to do it properly.

"Can you imagine? — Faria's Five Points On How To Give The Perfect B*** J**," she laughed.

When our man told her his "client" would be interested in booking her for a night of passion, Faria greedily got to work on the fee.

"Does he know who I am?" she asked, aiming to bump up the money by trading on her notoriety. Our man assured her he knew her reputation.

Then she pondered a final figure for her services.

"What do I want to charge him? Well, it is going to cost him, you know," she said. "I'm very businesslike. Business is business."

The figure she first came up with was an astonishing £9,000 for three hours—but she eventually settled for £8,000. "I think eight is good!" she said, asking for payment in cash on the night.

Faria turned up in a cab at our luxury serviced apartment at a £5 million Edwardian townhouse in Mayfair to meet the "fixer" first before the "client" arrived.

She was wearing a black coat over her designer jeans and a black sequined top.

Inside the flat she threw off her coat and relaxed on the sofa sipping mineral water. She started by name-dropping, talking about her taste for grey-haired men.

"I quite fancy Jose Mourinho, oh my God!" she giggled. "He is heading for that plateau of distinguished gentleman. Sven was greying."

Then Faria tried to justify what she was doing — claiming that all women secretly wanted to be hookers.

"Let me tell you something — most women, if they could get away with it, they would do it," she said. "I know most people would.

"If they could get a way around it where nobody could find out, they wouldn't say anything. It's trusting, that's the thing."

When our man said he had her money ready, Faria instantly went to collect her handbag.

"I have something for you," he told her. "I bet you do," she replied.

The reporter offered to shove the cash in her bag.

"Yes could you put it in there," she asked.

Sipping a glass of Joseph Perrier Cuvee Brut champagne costing £70 a bottle, she sat down and leaned forward on the sofa, watching intently as our man counted out £1,000 bundles of £20 notes: "Uno – two – three – four – five – six – seven – eight."

But the bag couldn't hold the huge wad of notes. "Can you put it in there," she asked, pointing to the brown envelope.

He told her that her staggering fee of £8,000 for two hours worked out at £66.67 per minute, putting her in the same league as David Beckham!

"No, he earns triple that," she said. "Listen, kicking the ball you have to get in the goal. I don't need to get in the goal." When the "client"—another undercover reporter—arrived, Faria led him into the bedroom as the fixer left the apartment.

"I am good at what I do," she purred as the door closed behind them.

BIO @ Faria Alam

Faria Alam was born in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka in 1966.

Faria Alam came to England when she was three. Her family moved around, but she spent most of her childhood in the North East.

When she was a teenager, Faria's mother took her to Bangladesh and arranged a marriage for her there. Alam left her betrothed and came back to England.

Her parents split up and her mother went to the States. When her father died in 1997 Faria Alam was left at the home of family friends - and had an affair with the man of the house who had been a Tory election candidate.

In 2003 Faria Alam joined the FA as PA to David Davies and soon began an affair with big-wig Mark Palios. When he finished with her, she then had an affair with England manager Sven-Goran Eriksson.

Alam's claims against the F.A. of sexual harassment, unfair dismissal and breach of contract were rejected by an industrial tribunal.

Before going into the Big Brother house Faria Alam had been using her administration skills to set up an American office for a fashion label.

Faria was the second person to be evicted from Celebrity Big Brother, following hot on the heels of Jodie Marsh.

Faria enjoys jet-skiing and scuba-diving.

In February 2007, the News of the World had a article on Faria Alam having sex for money, claiming: "FA SEX scandal secretary Faria Alam is a secret £8,000-a-night hooker ..."